11 thoughts on “Guía del mal padre

  1. I’m reading your Jerusalem book (I’ve only recently discovered and read the rest of your work that I could find in English), and I love your style, sense of pacing, and insightful observations. I’m only saddened by the fact that I don’t speak (or read) French. 🙁

    Here’s hoping your comics get translated to Croatian (it’s where I’m from)! 🙂

  2. Tks for your last book that i can buy in Ficomic, although i can not wait for sign because my two daugther had to dine and go to sleep, but i happy for have your book, greetings.

  3. Je viens de refermer “Guide du mauvais père” : excellent !
    Un indice sur la suite de vos aventures quotidiennes ?

    Une “mauvaise” maman

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